Never has been and probably never will be.
We don't enjoy it at all. Either of us.
But we learn to get by. We help each other.
Spending hours on end talking. Taking long car rides to nowhere.
It amazes me. I remember the days when we used to fight.
All of the time.
I hated him more than anyone.
Or at least I thought I did.
He was the mean boy. The one that would punch and hit me.
The one that called me mean names. And knew how to make me cry.
But it changed one day.
One day, he no longer hit me. One day, he stuck up for me.
One day, he started telling me everything. And I told him everything.
One day, we became best friends.
That one day, unlike most, lasted.
It is now that little boy that used to punch me
and call me names that I want to talk to when I am sad.
It is that little boy that used to sit on me that I take for drives to talk.
It is that little boy that I trust more than anything. And always have.
It is that little boy that helps me get by. And I try to do the same for him.
It is that little, now grown up boy that I love more than anything.
Even if I never thought I would.